Kyle was a lively, funny, and charming, nineteen year old when he lost his life in a car accident on his way to see a friend as Mizzou. He was incredibly active and loved weight lifting, bowling, soccer, sand volleyball, eating, and hanging out with his two best friends. His max bench was 315 lbs, quite a feat for a boy who was small and skinny up until a softmore in high school. He worked so hard at everything he did, giving 100% of himself all the time. He loved bringing people together; whether it was family or friends. From the time he was a little guy, he loved being with a group. He love to tease everyone as well, sometimes a little too much! His favorite trick he would do to me that last year of his life was when I would ask him for a hug, he would open his arms wide, with one arm around my back and the other hand on the back of my head, and he would so very gently pull me in and push my face into his armpit. The first time he did it I couldn't stop laughing. He and his buddies loved the show How I Met Your Mother and becamse enamored of wearing suits – he looked amazing going off to college that way. He was magic, he made me heart sing, and I miss him terribly, we all do. He left a massive hole behind that will never be filled and our grief will never end. We laugh and cry when we talk about him, he was our Superman and my sweet blue eyed boy.